Monday, October 27, 2008

Almost backed out!

Well as you can read from that title, we almost did not get on the plane again. We left JFK on 10-25, to Moscow, were 3 hours into our flight, and had problems with the plane so they turned back to JFK. David and I were completely terrified. And thats an understatement! With pep talk from our agency, and our deariest family. We told our selfs we could not live with that regret. So Davids aunt, Laura (shout out) Was able to be our brain and help us above and beyond, to get us in the air. But yesterday, we just got in the car to make it to the next flight. And missed it. I thought it was over. But Aunt Laura, stepped in like an angel, and worked magic, to get us to ATL, Atlanta, GA last night. Today we leave for Moscow. After we told ourselves, we were never getting on a plane, and could not do it. The love for this little on rises above our fears. Since we will be landing on the same day as our DOE. appt. Its a complete leap of faith the we can even still meet them. David and I are so tired. Lack of sleep, just some how makes just say, Hey god do whatever. We done have the energy to be scared, happy, nervous. So I still have some time to catch up on some sleep. I will repost soon!

We Love you Aunt Laura, Aunt Jackie, Grandma, Mom, Dad, and Dave!
We hope this chapter of our life's, will end on a high note. And the stars will line up so we can see our little one!

Love PAtti& David


Christine and Darren said...

Wow! I'm glad you guys decided to go through with it. By the time you read this you will have arrived safely in Moscow :) Good luck with your appointment!

Kris said...

wow what a crazy journey so far!! Well like I have told DH, best to get the bad and crazy stuff out of the way the first time, so your trip home with your child is a smooth one!!
Best wishes with your flights and your appt! Can't wait to hear you have held him!

Matt and Carla Morgan said...

Oh Patty! There is ALWAYS a glitch in Russian adoption. Here's to hoping this is your one and only :)

Definitely get back on that plane, girl. You can do this!


Shane & Marie said...

Sorry to hear you have had such a rough start. Once you land and see him, the rest will be history.

Joy said...

Oh Patti,
I am sure that you will not regret getting on that plane. Once you are safe at home with your little man you will laugh at this story. I am so glad that you posted about it. This tells me that you are a very strong person in mind and spirit. You will need all of that strength when you get your little man home.