Saturday, June 28, 2008

OK just an Update from our meeting yesterday.


We signed the contract, and showed them so far what we got notarized, to send of to me apostilled. Everything was fine except the cover letters I had to change. There might me an issue with our house STILL! Because we own a mobile home, we only get a title of vehicle, WFT! NOt a deed. So I have to get a letter from my mortgage Company, saying we have a loan with them on this title number, and we owe such and such, and are in good standing. We also got finger printed for our FBI clearences. AND I sent that off. I had to have our social worker add an addenement because they said Moscow wants something saying our chosen god parents, are financially stable, and in good health and what their ages and careers are. Other than that I will start sending out a set of stuff to be apostilled. Yeah, the agency say's that if we get it all done and finalized, and sent off to Russia by mid July, we could travel in September. Crazy right? I dont believe until it happens. But they sugguested that we stay with a host family the first trip. DH is alittle scared about that, but the told us that some of those apartments are far from where we need to be. I would do it if it saved us money. But for our final I would spend the money to be alone with our child. So Im getting ahead of my self now, so i'll stop.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This all sounds so exciting! I think of you often and hope all is well. Take care.