Sunday, July 13, 2008

Finished: Document Round 1 Complete!

So I finished our last set of Dossier documents. Dont think that its the end. I'm sure more will pop up. But at least there is an end for now. David and I have our fingerprinting for immigration on the 18th. And thats all the news we have for now. Waiting for our FBI clearances to come back. David has another Staph infection. So I hope it clears up soon. And doesn't become full blown!

Shout out to Carl and Matt! Congrats on your adoption with Nick being finalized. I hope your journey back to the U.S.A. is a smooth one!

1 comment:

Matt and Carla Morgan said...

Congrats on completeing round 1!! I can't wait to hear about your referral and travel dates.

Thank you for the shout out!
