Sunday, November 16, 2008


Well David and I are starting to get sick, on of my worse fears. Went to the doctor yesterday and got on some antibiotics. David and I are sharing them. Right now its just a throat made of sandpaper, and some mucus. The medications seem to be helping. We are still waiting on our FBI Clearances! I just have a feeling that as soon as they get here, David and I will be making the 3 hour drive to Columbia, SC to have them apostilled. Which is fine, but its going to take all day. So I better have some other things done as well. Like packing! We are packing only what we have too. So 2 large suite cases. 1 for mommy and daddy, the other for Daniel and his toys. Plus mommies extra overflow. A smaller suite case, filled with food. Mostly coffee, oatmeal, peanut butter, crackers, dry milk, easy mac and cheese. We will check the stroller in, and have 2 backpacks filled with our carry on items and the laptop. I might need another suite case. Once I really start packing, so for now it seems light.

I still have nightmares every night about the passports getting lost, or the FBI clearances not coming at all! Its crazy! David is sure everything will be fine. In fact he predicts that the FBI clearances will be here on Tuesday! I pray hes right!

Off to wake up sleeping beauty. Today we just hung around the house sick in our pJ's!
Maybe we will get back on track tomorrow!

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