Thursday, October 16, 2008

Tick - Tock!

Counting down the days until we leave for NJ! I know I should be counting down the days for Russia, but NJ is sooner. It makes it feel like its going faster. But as of today......

7-days until NJ
9-days until we go to Moscow
11-day till we see our Russian Czar

So no you can see why I count this way!

Still looking for other families that are traveling to Moscow when we are. Still searching for other families visiting the same time we are!


Hunter and Michael said...

Good luck! Be safe! And tell us all about it when you get back :)

Christine and Darren said...

Hi Patti,
I tried the new email address and did not have any luck. Email me at Hopefully we can meet up in Moscow.


Matt and Carla Morgan said...

It's 6 days since you wrote this post which means NJ is tomorrow!!!

You're getting so close, Patti.

Have a great trip.


Kris said...

So exciting, you are almost there!! Wishing you a wonderfully smooth journey!
Wave across the river to us when you are in NJ!