Friday, January 9, 2009

Daniels report

Well as most of you know, Daniels appointment at MUSC childrens IA clinic went well. There has been some really good progress. In his development, social and gross motor skills he is at 22-24months. Which is great. His speech is behind at an 18 month level. Not too concerned. Hes picking some news works or sounds up everyday. I am looking into early intervention for speech therapy. He has gained weight about 3lbs in 2.5 weeks. They check his stool for a parasite, he had some bloating and gas, and has had loose stool the last 4 days. But it came back negitive. So running some more tests, and cutting back the juice to just water, milk, and the pedialite. They detected a heart murmur. Kinda scary, but we wont know how it is affecting him with the open valve untilm his appointment in febuary. His allergist appointment went well, he only had a reaction to the carrots in the controlled test. The doctor gave up a rx for the eppi pen. This way if he come in contact with it, we are prepared. So since no peanut allergy, guess who got PP&J for lunch? He loved it!
Some words he can say are:
pup-pup (puppy)
up ( or sometimes up-up)
bye- bye
has half of uh oh saying uh, but making the oh with his mouth, but cant quite get it out

He can make barking noise's
likes to point his finger an shake it at the dogs
try's to pick up the dogs, or if he is stilling on the couch, he'll tap the couch to motion for the dogs to come up.

I set up the potty trainer today. As soon as I put it in the bathroom he started to pull his pants down and sit on it. It was too cute! Since it might be alittle hard to to the pee pee part. I know he has a bowel movement after breakfast so I'll try then. Its been forever since I have been on here. When I get time, I try to get caught up with work, then getting papers together for tax season, ugh~! When get time to have mommy time, its reading a book in bed, or watching tv ( favorite Man vr. Wild) or my guilty pleasure is reality TV on VH1. I just think those people are so crazy, its almost too funny to watch! By far is a really good book. So i'm going to end this to get into my book by my night stand.

will post pics soon!

1 comment:

Shane & Marie said...

It sounds like Daniel is doing well and adjusting. He is just darling. Definitely look into Early Intervention. It can't hurt.

PS. I love the shows on VH1. I don't have that drama in my life, but I enjoy watching it.